Easy Way to Clean Your Granite Floors!

Granite is the most beautiful addition to any homes. These are mostly preferred flooring material. These are easy to clean, always looks shiny. These can add value to any home to make it look luxurious. 

These are available is a variety of range and patterns. Granite floor is available different colors. Granite floors are heat resistant. Although these are very strong and hard but the surfaces are very porous. The surface of floor can be easily stained and the polish marred. So, they need to be maintained and cleaned regularly to make them look shiny and beautiful as always.

Do’s and Don’ts to clean Granite Floors:

·         Don’t directly use products that contain vinegar, lemon juice, or other citrus acids.
·         Don’t use steel wool, microfiber scrub pads, scrapers or abrasive cleansers as they will scratch the surface.
·         Don’t use any ammonia-based floor cleaners because they will fade away or dull the surface.
·         Do use a quality sealant on the stone surfaces when installed because it refreshes it as specified by the floor manufacturer.

Granite floors Cleaning Made Easy:

·         The Maintenance Mantra: 

Maintaining the look of your granite flooring is very important and easy. Clean or swipe it with the mop in hot water on daily basis is all you need to do.

·         Stubborn Spills On Granite Floor? The best way to do this is: 

Apply a small amount of a mild liquid dishwashing soap or granite product. Gently rub the stain or scuff in the direction of the grain in straight lines. Once the hard stain has disappeared, most importantly buff using a dry cloth to completely dry the area. Besides this, it even bring up the shine.

·         Hard to Scratch Granite Floor: 

These granite floors are scratch proof. They are hard and durable. So, don’t worry about the scratches.

·         Granite Floor Repel Stains: 

Floor tiles made of granite are not porous and it does not absorb any stains and dust. Granite floors are also incredibly resistant to bacteria and other allergens. So, say goodbye to diseases and allergies!

·         Shiny Surface of Granite Floors: 

Overtime, granite floors may lose their shine and become dull. But you can easily get the lustre back by getting your granite floor polished on a yearly basis.
 So, here’s how you can clean a marble floor and a granite floor. These tips and tricks will save you a lot of time and your floor will look as good as new. Granite floors are versatile and easy to manage. To know more about granite flooring that fits best for your home!

 How to clean the White granite flooring

clean the White granite flooring
clean the White granite flooring

Granite stones are porous which makes them prone to staining easily therefore they need high maintenance. If not treated carefully, these granite floors are susceptible to chipping and cracks. The thought alone of having a stained, chipped, or cracked floor daunts people. Therefore, people who are planning on getting their homes granite flooring needs to take care.

While other darker shade granites— black, blue, brown, etc are less porous and are stain resistant to some extent. Most importantly, it’s the white granite flooring you need to keep an eye out for. It would be nightmare incarnate to sudden wake up and see stains marring your beautiful white granite flooring. Besides using harsh cleaners, you need to be particular about floor care. This because, white granite flooring stones are more porous and absorb solvents quicker than the rest.

But, despite all the talks surrounding stone, you got your home a granite flooring; a white granite flooring at that. Had you known that maintaining granite flooring would come with these many pitfalls? Surely, you wouldn’t have installed them in the first place. Besides after doing tons of research on granite flooring, and finding out how laborious a work it would be to keep the lustre of granite flooring intact.

Dreading all the hard work that will go into keeping the granite flooring frozen in time. People avert their eyes from getting these granite flooring tiles installed for this sole reason. But, should you hold back from giving your house that glamorous look? Just because these white granite flooring are not staining resistant, or are high maintenance? Absolutely not. Sure, keeping them a new would be hassle. But if done correctly you wouldn’t have to break your head with ways to keep your granite floors stain free.

Steps to Keep White Granite Floor healthy:

Here are a few steps to follow to keep your white granite flooring open in eternal good condition.
Granite Floor Polishing

Here are a few steps to follow to keep your white granite flooring open in eternal good condition.

·         Clean Floor immediately:

Whenever a solvent is spilled onto the white flooring, make sure you’re quick to react and clean up the spill immediately. An action will save your tiles from soaking up the solvents, and remaining stain free.

·         Blotting and dabbing:

The best course of action when cleaning a spill on the granite flooring is to dab the spill away. Do not wipe on the stone, as it may leave scratches. Always resort to blotting or dabbing when it comes to cleaning the floor tiles.

·         Use sponge to clean Granite Floor:

Use a sponge for cleaning the white granite floors instead of cloths. Use of sponge is recommended as the pores in the sponge quickly absorbs solvents when compared to washing cloth.

·         Using appropriate Granite Floor cleansers:

Not all cleansers are ideal for cleaning the granite flooring. Different stones have different tendencies of putting up with chemicals. So, choosing a pH balance cleanser, would ensure lasting luster of your house’s white granite flooring.

If you do use a suitable cleanser for your floor, using it regularly will render your floor’s shine nonetheless. Use warm distilled water to clean the floor if it’s not too dirty. Only occasionally should you use any cleansers on your granite flooring.


Your granite flooring needs more attention and care after years of installation. Always prefer to use quality granite floor cleaner that you can easily avail from store. There are people who trust DIY hacks than using chemicals. To know more DIY hacks regarding floor cleaners and cleaning, do connect us through https://www.manmachinesolutions.com/.


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