Crystallization Floor Polishing in-depth:

Floor Polishing Keeping the marble floor at the maximum gloss needs the process of crystallization floor polishing. Experts of floor polishing use this method for maintaining high sheen on marble flooring. Because it completely relies on chemicals, machines and techniques and homeowners cannot do this on their own. The commercial building needs more often marble floor polishing as basic maintenance than the floor of any residential property. The process of crystallization: Before the crystallization process, any scratches (minor and major) are removed through machine attached to the industrial diamond disk. During the crystallization process, magnesium acid is properly sprayed over the marble flooring. Further, a floor polishing machine scrubs the acid over the marble and then further applies a different steel wool pad. While the process is in progress, the shine of marble is enhanced with the help of the frictional heat emitted from the machine and ste...